Contact us

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76 thoughts on “Contact us

  1. Hi
    I’m F. Jalali of Iran
    Here you go all out like Real Madrid
    Please Tatnhamv I like to think our hearts but also be realistic
    Please wear the number 11 and the Go Real and Ronaldo Sharing all the world’s strongest and most Zhrdar Give up
    Real love Bill

  2. come to Real Madrid – C Ronaldo & Gareth Bale Best player & Best
    forward in real madrid Best team century 20 fifa
    you and cr7 Best mythical Real madrid to year 2013 fold 2016 the treble champions league Cr7+Gb11 = the treble champions
    You and Cr7 my hero

  3. Can u don’t go to Real Marid,u may go to Man it’d or other teams but its not fair tat all the best players go to real Marid…U r the best!

  4. hi i will you come to real madrid.your welcome.fabio coentrao in bring to tottenham.because with you cristiano ronaldo jese morata and di maria its very good team real contract in real madrid and you come appeal ahmad

    BALE Be sure to join Real Madrid do progress please come to Real…..You are best

    I beg you …
    Go to Real Madrid

    Triangle Ronaldo, Bale and Neymar to Real Madrid soon
    Onlyyyyy Cristiano Ronaldo 7
    Onlyyyyy Gareth Bale 11


  5. Why ? Why you want to go ? Real is the best team with fc bayern, but there isco and Özil and modric and kaka. Özil are perfect there. And why you go ? What is the reason ? Money ? Love ? Cups ? It is not good. You are a great player, but don`t go to real.

  6. Hey, is this Bale’s official homepage? Then, listen to me please. lol
    You know? You really make my gorge rise. Actually, Perez is real shit than you. You think Real Madrid is in your chapter? Ohhhhh, nope. Never think about it. You are the biggest bubble in soccer trade market in history. Let’s see how you are deflating in this year.

  7. Hurry up and go you useless waste of space. It should be an honour to play for Spurs but you think you are bigger and better so good riddance. You could have been a major star and a real footballer with us but now your going to play second fiddle to Ronaldo and the rest of them poncy bandits nancy boys. Good luck and I hope you can take it like a man when Ronaldo & co mug you, at least we will be a better looking team without you. Bon Soir

  8. pllz gareth we are love you so much.come in real madrid because is best team and youre future in madrid with best players in the world please.hala madrid

  9. you are a mercenary that will never be a spurs legend or a madrid legend now as all you want is money. what a shame you have no morals or loyalty you money grabbing arse!! you will be a flop at madrid as you are over rated .. you will probably come back at some mid table side! !!! your time at szpurs has been erased for me.. klinsmann, sheringham lineker and ginola will always be better thought of then you modric or berbatov ! all users that deserve the same in return

  10. BIENVENIDO. Deberías llamarte CARMELO, pues naciste el 16 de julio, día de la Virgen del Carmen. Ya te irás acostumbrando a nuestra cultura. Que golees muchoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Hello

    I would like to ask if I could even meet Gareth Bale?
    I’m a true fan of him since 2008!
    And I also have over 6 triktos of him! Everyone is original!

    So I would like to know if this is posible. Please contact me.

  12. Hi, Gareth. I am very very fan of you.
    I love to meet, I go to madrid and a Santiago Bernabéu and if I can I would like to take a pihoto with you.I know it will be hard but I need my idol ere

  13. Hallo Gareth Bale!

    My Name is Jonathan Gerber and i m a Big Fan from you. Appeal send me a autograph card by you by Post on:

    Jonathan Gerber
    56291 Lingerhahn

    Sincerly yours

    Jonathan Gerber

  14. Hi Garet, with your arrival to Real Madrid I saved the Spanish domain I would be very glad to give it up to you to let you use it. I’m not looking for money, as you can see it is way to try to meet you and to show worlwide that profesional footballplayers are very close to people.

    What do you think? Do you like the idea?

    This is my email
    Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question, please.

    Thanks so much for your time and looking forward to hearing from you.


    Javier Belchi

  15. Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno
    Y Nuestra Señora de la Soledad

    Este año la Hermandad que me precio en presidir ha abordado un ambicioso plan de restauración de las Sagradas Imágenes de Nuestros Santos Titulares. Aunque llevábamos varios años estudiando la intervención, los hechos se han precipitado después de varios años de lluvias, que han acelerado el deterioro que ya sufrían.

    Después de consultar con varios expertos, solicitar los pertinentes permisos de la Delegación Diocesana de Patrimonio y analizar varios presupuestos, se han enviado las Imágenes de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y Su Santa Madre a Sevilla para iniciar la actuación que les devuelvan su primitivo esplendor.

    Realizar todo este trabajo con la garantía de un resultado final satisfactorio nos va a resultar bastante gravoso para la economía de la Hermandad. Por ello, me dirijo a Vd., consciente de la preocupación que por los problemas de Setenil ha mostrado siempre, para solicitarle un donativo, que conforme a sus posibilidades, ayude a poder llevar a cabo tan necesaria intervención. Para ello hemos abierto una cuenta en la sucursal nº 1 de Setenil de Unicaja, con nº 21030605 31 0030002825 en la que puede Vd. ingresar su donativo.Para ello estamos organizando una Tómbola y hemos pensado que podría contribuir con algo de ropa deportiva, nos ayudaría en gran medida a poder sufragar dichos gastos
    Que Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y Nuestra Señora de la Soledad le colmen de Gracias y Favores.

    Setenil de las Bodegas, el 12 de octubre del año de Nuestro Señor de 2013.

    Pedro Luis Marín García

    Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y Nuestra Señora de la Soledad. C./ San Benito. s/n. 11692. Setenil. Cádiz. Teléfono y Fax. 956 134281. . 652 962243.

  16. Hello Gareth 🙂 I am writing to you because you are my favorite player. My inspiration comes from you on the field, you are amazing. Your goals are beautiful, and your dribbling is unbelievable. I can not afford to go to a match Real Madrid and ask for an autograph, which is why I’m asking about it here. It’s my biggest dream, the autograph would be the best gift for the upcoming holidays. I ask You to fulfill my dream. I believe that you will succeed. Here is my address:
    Filip Posacki
    ul. Wodociagowa 8
    56-300 Milicz

  17. Hi Gareth
    My son (10 years old) and i went to see you playing with Tottenham in February last. We flew from dublin to uk at 6am! The poor child got an infection in his tooth and was in agony but still rallied himself to watch you play! We had to go to A&E after the match and then to London dental hospital. It was a nightmare for him as his face and neck swelled up. He also dragged himself to the tour the next day just in case you were there. My problem now is the poor child wants a “real madrid” home jersey from santa. I had one sent to me but its too small and not another to be got. He needs age 11 or 12. Is there any way you could sort for him seeing as he is obviously a HUGE fan! His mother Aoife

  18. Hey,
    I just can NOT believe that I am writing you this….. Dont even know if you will read this or not but still….. I am 14 years old girl from India your extreamly HUGE fan!!!! I know many people must be saying that to u but it is all true u have earned it……. U r just sooooo special. I just wish I can meet u once. I know its IMPOSSIBLE but that is the only thing I dream about. Keep up the good work Bale <3

    • And now I bet u must be having more fans than Ronaldo or Messi lol u R and always WILL BE the BEST Bale!!!!!……. And just so u know ur name is on my each and EVERY book and I even write your name on my hand with a permanant marker…. I LOVE u Bale!!!
      I am CREAZY behind u………..

  19. hello Mr. Bale,
    I’m an Italian boy, I really like the club real madrid and I would like to receive a T-shirt, look for an answer.

  20. Hey Gareth.
    This is Jonas lee from Korea. You and Cristiano have been my role model of football style. I love you how you dribble and goal. I want to go to Santiago Bernabeu with my friends sometimes. By the way, what are your exact height and weight? According to Wikipedia, it says you are 183 cm, but 186 in this website.
    Please respond haha.

    greeting from Jonas lee from Korea.

  21. Hola Bale, mi nombre es Tomás, mi papá me esta ayudando a escribir porque yo tengo 5 años, yo vivo en Venezuela, a mi me gustaba el Barsa pero después de que tu llegaste a el Real Madrid, me cambie para este equipo, me gustaría que me pudieras enviar una foto autografiada por ti. GRACIAS!!!!!

  22. Buenos dias
    Soy de Asturias y no me puedo desplazar para conseguir la firma de Gareth Bale, le puedo enviar los cromos de liga este que tengo de el con un sobre y un sello para que me los devuelva


  23. hello gareth

    I don’t know if you read all the message here, but i’m a fan from the begining.

    i hope you will continue like that and wish you the best!

    i read that you are the british who has earn the more money in 2014 !

    matbe you can share a bit in my association before christmas, if not don’t worry you are the best player of wales and grait britaun as well !

    See you soon!

  24. hi bale, please dont give up you still have the fans behind you and we still need you bale. if you see this i hope this serves as motivation to win back the rest of the fans. long live los blancos!

  25. I don’t know if you check this website, but I’m just going to say, don’t go to Manchester United and never give up!

  26. Bonito seras cuando juegues de labor de equipo
    No se sube desconfiando de tu compañero y dejandolo atras
    Mira xavi que prefiere recular a perderla
    Solo se pierde el balon cotizando gol y con alguna conexion util

  27. Hi Gareth, you are the best player in the world, I want you to stay at Real Madrid and prove those furious fans wrong that you are better than Ronaldo, and please Mr Bale never forget who you are, you are the man that shoot from far distance and score but now you don’t anymore, please Bale prove them wrong!!!!!

  28. Gareth please cut your hair and turn a new man and stay at real and prove those fans wrong, they called you waste of space, they called you waste of money and I want you to stay there and show them that you worth more than 100m.

  29. what doesn’t kill you make you stronger, I wept when I watch the video of the scenario of what real fans did to you after UCL against juve, I really feel bad though am an amateur footballer but I understand what you are going through but I say to you that you will overcome it all, just work more harder and show them the real Gareth that defeated Barcelona in the cola dey ray final. but please cut your hair and shave you beards and have a new look.

  30. Hi Gareth,

    Big are the best player in RM for sure and you have so much more to give to the game of Football..and I was really hoping that you would move to Man U cuz that’s my team but its ok as long as I can just watch you it any club..I’m stupefied by your talent, your speed and much more..and also I find you super basically I love you ..keep up the good work..cheers..Ankhi…

  31. Hey stud..speedy and complete recovery..get back on the field soon..miss you..don’t rush though..come back only when you are totally fit and

  32. Gareth bale, you are my favourite player in the world I support tottenham and I really think u should return instead of Manchester United so if you can see this message come back home

    We love you

  33. Hi Gareth , I’m Manos I’m from greece and I play football, you are my idol my inspiration and you motivate me to work hard everyday to reach my goal to be a professional football player, I wish one day I’ll become a great player like you although It seems unreachable but not impossible, my dream is to play against you one day but I have a long way to go yet, anyway I hope you’ll recover fast from your injury and see you again on the field and I’m sure that this year will be yours,oohhh also my favorite goal of you is your last goal for tottenham the last minute screamer vs sunderland oohhh man I was watching this match live and I litteraly shouted so loud at your goal that I couldn’t talk for a week but it definetely worth it I was so happy and I hope you’ll score a lot more like this one, you make me and all of your fans so proud Gareth and I know you’ll keep making us!
    Your number #1 fan
    Manos Christou

  34. I would like to congratulate Gareth on how proud he makes Welsh people feel. His pride of being Welsh and how proud and passionate he is to wear the Welsh jersey and to represent Wales is overwhelming. Such an inspirational person. Diolch

  35. Please
    P L E A S E
    consider coming to Man Utd

    Thank you for putting pride into Welsh football
    Together Stronger
    We love you

  36. Good Luck in your next world cup game. You deserve it. You are a credit to your country. But please do not go to Manchester United or Arsenal when you decide to return to the Premier League..

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